It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II. The Department is one of the top Italian educational and scientific center. Its aim is to develop world class teaching and research in chemical engineering, materials, production processes and industrial management.
The Department was born on January 1, 2013 by merging the Department of Materials and Production Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering, and gathers the expertise of the schools of Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Production Engineering, which have been very active at the University of Naples Federico II since the 60s of the last century.
The Department organizes educational and training activities involving approximately 1500 students (undergraduates and postgraduates), and more than 140 PhD students.
The Department is part of a vast network of national and international collaborations of high scientific profile, and offers his professional skills in support of a large number of national and international companies .
Prof. Giuseppe Mensitieri
Head of the Department